

Poy-Sian Mark II Menthol Nasal Inhaler - PARACOSMICPoy-Sian Mark II Menthol Nasal Inhaler
Thai vicks, Australia's favourite 2 in 1 nasal inhaler. Relieve motion sickness Refreshing Relieve headache, dizziness and cold...
Tiger Balm Nasal Inhaler
It's a festival day, and you're surrounded by your friends and the music that brings you to life....
Siang Pure Nasal Inhaler - PARACOSMICSiang Pure Nasal Inhaler
Stronger than Poy-sian, Siang Pure inhalers are reserved for the real OG that knows which inhaler will hit...
Love your Thai vicks? Uses it at every occasion possible? Recommend it to every bro you meet at...
Poy-sian Thai Vicks Inhaler Car Air FreshenerPoy-sian Thai Vicks Inhaler Car Air Freshener
Spice up your car's aroma with Poy-sian Inhaler Car Air Freshener. Available in various scents, these PARACOSMIC inspired...
Peppermint Field Nasal Inhaler - PARACOSMICPeppermint Field Nasal Inhaler
Stronger than Poy-sian, Peppermint Field inhalers are reserved for the real OG that knows which inhaler will hit the spot....
Thai Vicks EnthusiastThai Vicks Enthusiast
Spice up your everyday life with the Poy-Sian Bundle, featuring the iconic Poy-Sian Mark II Menthol Nasal Inhaler...
$4.95 $3.95
$4.95 $3.95
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$4.95 $3.95
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